Q: Why does SOHP have a blog?
A: The SOHP community believes in the importance of science communication and dissemination. We believe this is an important skill for professionals across career stages to develop and practice. Our intention is to provide curated content that will be both engaging and practically useful for students, early career professionals, practitioners, workers, organizational leaders, and the broader occupational health community.
Q: Who created and runs the SOHP Blog Series?
A: The SOHP Blog Series was created and is facilitated by the SOHP Scientific Affairs Committee.
Blog Coordinator: Rebecca Brossoit
Hot Topics in OHP Blog Editor: Courtney Keim
Lessons Learned Blog Editor: Lacie Barber
Meet an OHP Blog Editor: Rebecca Brossoit
Research Translation Blog Editor: Keaton Fletcher
Speaker Series Summaries Blog Editor: Lacie Barber
Graduate Student Blog Writer: Rachel Perpich
Q: Who writes blog posts for the OHP Blog Series?
A: Members of the Scientific Affairs Committee actively request contributions to the SOHP Blog Series by reaching out to individuals on a case-by-case basis. The only “requirement” is to be involved in occupational health (e.g., occupational health psychology, occupational ergonomics and safety, health physics, industrial hygiene, occupational and environmental medicine) as a student, researcher, academic, practitioner, consultant, etc. If you are interested in writing a blog post for the OHP Blog Series, please reach out to the editor(s) for the blog to which you would like to contribute (see list above).
Q: I was asked to write a blog for the SOHP Blog Series, but I don’t want to and/or do not have the time to. What should I do?
A: Let the person who requested a blog from you know that you are not available. We completely understand and appreciate your consideration! If your availability changes in the future, please let us know. Otherwise, if you have other individuals who you believe would serve as strong blog writers, please share their contact information with us.
Q: I’m interested in writing a blog post for the OHP Blog Series. What should I do?
A: Please reach out to the editor(s) for the blog to which you would like to contribute.
Q: How do I write a blog? Do you provide instructions for authors?
A: Check out our Guidelines for Blog Contributors page for information and resources related to blog writing. Depending on the type of blog, you may also receive additional instructions and/or templates. We use a collaborative approach; all authors will receive feedback from members of the SOHP Scientific Affairs committee throughout the process.
Q: Can I co-write a blog with other people?
A: Absolutely!
Q: Can I write a blog anonymously?
A: Although we prefer to recognize authors for their work, we understand and respect authors who wish to remain anonymous.
Q: How should I reference my blog post(s) on my CV?
A: You can include a section like “science dissemination” or “science communication” on your CV. The seventh edition of the APA publication manual has guidelines for citing blogs, too! If you’re not a psychologist, your professional organization may have instructions for how to cite blogs.
Q: Can I share my blog post on social media?
A: Yes, we would love for you to share the blog post(s) you write or others that you are interested in! Please remember to tag @SocietyforOHP on Twitter and include hashtags (e.g., #SOHP, #OHP) to increase the visibility of your blog post.