Thank you for your interest in contributing to the SOHP Blog Series! Here are some general guidelines and instructions for blog writers:
- Have a conversational tone
- Avoid academic jargon and provide clear definitions
- Create a catchy title
- Use headers to organize the blog sections
- Use bulleted lists whenever possible
- Keep statements concise and paragraphs short
- Provide the corresponding URL links for all external references (e.g., published papers, news articles, books, videos, etc.)
We request that blog posts are approximately 500-1,000 words.
We encourage the use of images, graphs, and/or figures as they relate to the content in the blog. Authors may create their own images or use images that are publicly available online. Please make sure to credit any images that are created by others and provide brief descriptive captions for any images used.
Special Instructions:
Depending on the type of blog you are writing, you may receive additional instructions and/or templates to guide your blog. If you have any questions during the process, please reach out to the SOHP Blog Editors.
Author Information:
For all contributing authors, we request a short biography, headshot, contact information (e.g., email address) and any social media profiles and/or handles you would like included as public information on your blog post. For the biography (~100 words), please include the following information: current job title and affiliation, areas of interests/expertise, and how you personally practice OHP principles or reduce work stress in your life.
Helpful Blog Resources:
- Grammarly’s 8-Step Guide for How to Write a Pro Blog Post
- HubSpot: How to Start a Blog and Write Engaging Posts
- Video: How to Write a Blog Post From Start to Finish | Neil Patel
Other OHP-related blogs: