
Major benefits of SOHP membership provided to all members, including affiliate members and student affiliates are:

  • an electronic subscription to Occupational Health Science (or, you have the option to purchase a print subscription to Occupational Health Science for an additional $60)

Other Benefits

  • Access to our members-only LinkedIn group for professional networking
  • Networking and professional development events virtually throughout the year and in-person at SIOP and WSH conferences
  • Book series discount of 32% off publisher retail rate
  • Eligibility for SOHP Awards
  • Newsletter direct to email
  • Leadership and service opportunities that directly impact the practice of OHP

Accessing the Journal of Occupational Health Science

  • Go to the Journal’s webpage.
  • Click “Login” to login (upper right of the webpage).
  • If you have never done so, sign up using the email address you provided to SOHP.

Accessing the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology

  • Go to the Journal’s webpage.
  • Click “Login” to login (upper right of the webpage).
  • If you have never done so, sign up using the email address you provided to SOHP.