This section is for the use of individuals interested in conducting OHP related research.

Discussion Lists
Members of various discussion lists will receive e-mails from other subscribers who wish to pose questions, announcements or conversation topics to the group. The following discussion lists may be useful for OHP professionals.
This is an unmoderated listserv that is open to anyone who is interested in discussing occupational health psychology issues. Job postings and announcements of conferences and meetings are welcome. Hosted by the American Psychological Association.
To subscribe, send the following message to SUBSCRIBE OHPLIST Jane Doe (note: change “Jane Doe” to your name). After sending this message you will soon receive an email explaining how the OHPLIST works, and how you can participate in the discussion.
You can also find out more about OHPLIST, join and leave the list, change your subscription settings, and review archived postings to the discussion list by clicking here.
Other Online Resources
Following is a list of online resources that may be helpful to OHP researchers.
OHP- related scales (No Cost) Dr. Paul Spector and colleagues have developed a number of assessments to assess self-reported and other-reported psychological constructs. Each has been published in the literature and has been used in research.
Occupational Depression Inventory (ODI) by Renzo Bianchi and Irvin Sam Schonfeld. Their first publication on the psychometric and structural properties of the ODI is available at this website: . If you would like to use the ODI, the developers of the scale would appreciate your letting either or both of them know (;
CDC NIOSH (The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) eNews
EU-OSHA (European Union information agency for occupational safety and health) Newsletters
CDC National Healthy Worksite Program
West University of Timisoara (Romania) resource page, including link to the OHPEdu Project portal
Mountain & Plains Education and Research Center (Colorado School of Public Health)
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
Organization of Work: Measurement Tools for Research and Practice
Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies
Oregon Institute of Occupation Health Sciences
Quebec Occupational Health and Safety Research Institute (IRSST)
Center for the Promotion of Health in the New England Workplace – Stress@Work